Tune name “SOLIDAD”

There’s a recent song that begins “Alone in Gethsemane”, it’s #179, classified under Lent, words (5 vv.) and music by William B. Petricko, © 1996. The tune name is given as SOLIDAD. Is this a typo for SOLEDAD? The latter certainly “makes more sense”, since it is Spanish for “loneliness”, while “solidad” is a verb form meaning “consolidate”. Perhaps someone at Celebrating Grace can tell us?

2 komentoj to “Tune name “SOLIDAD””

  1. William Petricko Says:

    It is not a typo. I named it SOLIDAD. From the English Word SOLIDARITY. Hope the song is a blessing to you. The tune name is not important to the message of the hymn.

  2. Haruo Says:

    The John Julians of the future salute you, sir! Thanks, in the name of all hymnologists yet unborn, for that clarification. 🙂 It looks like a good tune, and I’ve already found the text a useful meditation.
